$61 $30+

Writerpreneur Trilogy Bundle

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Writerpreneur Trilogy Bundle

$61 $30+

This bundle contains...

Why Does No One Teach Writers This?

What I Found Was So Unexpected, It Changed My Financial Freedom – Forever.

Now you're about to find out how it can change yours.

This isn't your usual Kickstarter. It's about revealing life-changing research -- connecting the dots to come up with a radically new approach to an age-old problem. We are solving a mystery that only a very tiny few authors have solved. But those that have, kept their solution to themselves. 

(Read this carefully. It contains the core data to making a living from your writing...)

Most Writers Want To Earn A Decent Living From Their Writing.


According to the final report of Author Earnings in 2018, only four-tenths of one percent of over 200,000 authors were making over $50,000 annually. 

A study from 2023 by the Author's Guild verified that this situation hasn't improved.

Researching why the bulk of writers fail to earn a livable income from their writing alone is revealed by an observation made years ago:

There are two types of successes in the book-selling industry:

Writers who learned how to market, and

Marketers who learned how to write.

But it's even simpler. Writing + Marketing = Business.

The successful writer-marketers became entrepreneurs – they became writerpreneurs.

In short, their writing is part of their business (along with their marketing) – and they run that combination as such – with metrics and best practices.

The Model Most Authors Use is Broken.

The approach to use is to then find the successful outliers who are making their success outside of the conventional methods – that new model.

Writerpreneurs realize that they are marketing before they write the first sentence of the book.

They know the value of writing in series, the use of serials, and that you'll reach a wider amount of audience by publishing all possible versions of a book.

They know why social media doesn't sell books – users are there only to be entertained, not buy things. And those platforms send little to no traffic out to out-bound links now.

Why does Amazon and its old model fail authors? Among other reasons, they have some 200 links on every book sales page to buy something else. But they will sell you ads to promote your book there...

Why are Kickstarter, Patreon, Substack, and Gumroad succeeding? Because when a person visits those sites, there is a commercial expectation to buy. When your audience lands on your page on those platforms, they only are shown your products. Simple. Because those platforms are only financially successful to the exact degree they help you achieve your own financial goals.

What's this new model have that the failed model doesn't? Simply: the author and the reader meet and agree on the price they want to exchange their goods for. There are no intermediaries in between.

How This Series Of Books Can Help You.

I long ago fired my last boss. And I've made enough income from book sales ever since to finance my research.

None of it was easy. It took persistence, and sacrifices.

Then I hit a breakthrough in a seemingly dis-related research area. After that, I decided to ramp up my income – because the lifestyle I wanted to live required more.

That's when I started to revisit all my earlier books on self-publishing. I needed to find out if I'd missed anything that would rocket my annual income.

In doing this, I did find holes that I'd missed earlier. So that required more research – and resulted in more breakthroughs.

In addition to compiling and editing that pile of material, I had to compile and edit two more books. All three ended up at least 200 pages long.

Now I have to get these released to the world so that you can benefit.

If you want to develop your writing into a viable income-producing business – one that brings your financial freedom under your own control, so you can make as much income as you want – then I want to invite you along for this journey.

You have to know how to write good books, to publish and market them, and to run your business as a business meanwhile. All while pulling down enough profit to more than support what you're doing.

This Bundle Contains:

WriterpreneurOS - The seminal study of 18 years of research and testing what works in ebook publishing. 22 ebooks boiled down to evergreen principles and updated with current strategies and platforms.

Writerpreneur: Copywriting for Authors - The research through the history of copywriting, since the first copywriter was hired in 1905. Only the evergreen principles were extracted - from the expert who first discovered and proved them. This then comes forward to every breakthrough since, culminating in the basics behind viral marketing in our Internet Age.

Writerpreneur: The Basic Formulas of Fiction - William Foster Harris' key work recovered, plus a long lost lecture by Dwight V. Swain, "Building and Writing Your Novel". Classics not taught in today's writing textbooks, but the core of the most effective professional writing course in its heyday.

Each book is in ebook format for your immediate use.

Plus: The WriterpreneurOS Workbook (in PDF only)

And - the beta Writerpreneur mini-course - 8 lessons with the key takeaways from each book above - learn the core basics behind writing, publishing, and promotion to take your book marketing to the next level. Each lesson has practical models you can test for yourself. Still in beta - expect updates.

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You get four ebooks in epub and PDF versions, suitable for most ereaders.

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